Letting students mod school computers

with some amazing results

Posted on 2016-01-22

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I posted these photos initially on reddit/imgur and got overwhelmingly good feedback so I thought I'd make a followup post on my own blog. You can see the original post with the good love here: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/4210wq/school_told_me_to_make_a_project_day_with_my/

My school asked me if I wanted to have a project day with my senior classes and at first I didn't really know what to do. Most classes go to museums or in the theatre but I thought since my seniors are all in my IT classes I'd do something different with them.

Letting students do PC modding on school computers

My idea was that I give them some basic tools and things to work with and let them do what they wanted with the school computers. They had amazing ideas like put LEDs in the cases, do pixel art or print their hands on the case.


I brought everything they might need

  • Green carbon foil from Amazon
  • Soldering equipment
  • LEDs
  • Cutting tools
  • Spray paint


planning phase


Some computers looked really shabby since they were almost as old as the students themselves. They took the oldest ones apart and painted them black (they were silver before)





One student wanted to put some LEDs on the outside of the case since it had enough spare room

connecting LEDs


LED PC finished

The Pacman PC

Pacman PC

Pacman PC

On the side is another pacman painted with metallic paint. Looks great against a light source since it's reflecting the light

Pacman PC

Halflife 3 and Oblivion PCs

Pacman PC

All PCs in line

All PCs in line

It was an awesome day and I'd encourage all teachers to try this too

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    Tags: teaching | diy | modding | school | students
